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** FB-Patch **
Version 1.10
Distributed by:
Polk Products
P.O. Box 36782
Birmingham, AL 35236
FB-Patch is a voice and configuration editor/librarian for use with
the Atari ST and the Yamaha FB-01 FM Sound Generator. FB-Patch is written
in compiled GFA Basic. Version 1.10 is being distributed as "optionware".
Use it and/or distribute it at no cost. However, FB-Patch IS copyrighted.
So, please remember to include this DOCument file AND the "READ ME" file
anytime FB-Patch is distributed. Also, no charge should be made (other
than the media cost and any shipping/handling costs) for providing this
FB-Patch 2.00 will be available in early 1988 from Polk Products and
will include many features not found in the current version (1.10). Refer
to the accompanying "READ ME" file for details concerning the features
and availability of FB-Patch 2.00. Write to Polk Products for information
about FB-Patch 2.00 if the "READ ME" file is not available.
The documentation that follows is NOT a complete guide to the use of
FB-Patch. It DOES provide enough information to get you going. Complete
documentation will be made available with FB-Patch 2.00.
The basic functions of FB-Patch (version 1.10) include:
- Instrument (Voice) and Configuration transfer both to and from
the FB-01.
- FB-01 Voice and Configuration editing, creating, saving to disk,
and retrieving from disk.
- Optional "real-time" updating of FB-01 instrument as parameters
are updated.
- Testing an FB-01 voice (instrument) using the mouse to vary pitch
and velocity.
The current version of FB-Patch performs all voice functions on an
INSTRUMENT basis. An instrument is one of the (up to) 8 active voices
in an FB-01 configuration.
Before uploading instruments to the FB-01, set Protect OFF on the
FB-01 (using "System Setup" button).
To UPLOAD a voice to the FB-01, select "Send Instrument", then select
an instrument number (ie 1 thru 8) to receive the voice.
*NOTE* Read your FB-01 manual for information on saving a voice after
it has been uploaded from the ST (to one of the 8 instruments).
To DOWNLOAD a voice from the FB-01, select "Receive Instrument",
then select an instrument number to download. The voice that will be
received is be the one stored as the selected instrument in the current
FB-01 configuration.
To activate the "SENDING PARMS" feature, you must select the instrument
to which parameters are sent as they are changed. Be sure to turn on the
feature ONLY when the voice to be edited on the screen corresponds exactly
to the FB-01 receiving instrument's voice. Otherwise, there may be some
differences between the screen parameters and the FB-01 parameters that
remain until those specific parameters are changed on the screen.
To EDIT a voice using FB-Patch, point to a parameter value with the
mouse and use the right or left button to raise or lower the value. To
change the voice's name, point to the name, double click the left button,
enter the name, then press Return.
To TEST an instrument, move the mouse to the voice test area on the
right of the ST screen. The MIDI note value and velocity will be displayed
and can be adjusted by pointing the mouse elsewhere in the test area.
Play the note by pressing and holding either of the mouse buttons. Test
notes are sent on the MIDI channel indicated in the test area. The channel
used can be changed by clicking on "Select Test Channel".
It may sometimes be helpful to use the Alternate key, the Shift key,
the Arrow keys, and the Insert key to perform the mouse functions after
moving the cursor to the voice test area, as follows:
Alt + Arrow == Move Cursor
Alt + Shift + Arrow == Move Cursor 1 Pixel
Alt + Insert == Press Left Button
A TYPICAL SESSION with FB-Patch might occur as follows.
Start FB-Patch. Turn on FB-01. Select a user configuration and turn
Protect OFF by using the System Setup button. Either (1) set an instrument
to a desired voice and receive that instrument from the FB-01, OR (2) load
a desired voice from disk and send that voice to an instrument in the
selected FB-01 configuration. The voice being edited and the selected
instrument are now "in sync", so select "Send Parms".
Begin editing the voice on the screen. As changes are made, try out the
changes by testing a few notes from the test area. When the desired effect
is achieved, save the voice to disk as a ".VOC" file. Be sure to change the
voice name, if appropriate.
To save the voice as one of the FB-01's 96 user voices, first set one
of the instruments to the desired bank/voice. Then send the voice to that
instrument. To make the "change" permanent, push the "Voice Select" button
to see "Voice/stor #". Push "Data Entry +1" followed by "Data Entry -1".
Then push "Voice Select" again. Push "Data Entry +1/Yes" in response to
"sure?" to save the voice.
After establishing the voices to be used in a configuration, select
"Edit Config." to switch to the configuration editing screen. Provide the
necessary data for each instrument (including bank/voice#), OR load a
previously saved configuration file from disk. Then send the configuration
to one of the user configurations on the FB-01. Be sure to provide the
proper configuration name on the screen. *NOTE* If you send a configuration
to the user configuration that is currently selected on the FB-01, then
the new configuration data will not be displayed when it is sent.
To save the configuration data for later access, save it to disk as a
".CFG" file.
Please report ANY problems you encounter to me via GEnie or one of the
other BBS's listed below. Or write to me at:
Polk Products
ATTN: Harry Wootan
P.O. Box 36782
Birmingham, AL 35236
Harry Wootan -- Author/Developer
"H.WOOTAN" on GEnie
"72337,2336" on CompuServe
"POLK" on Delphi
November 8, 1987
(FB-Patch copyright 1987 by Harry Wootan)